How you get out of the drought, become financially independent and happy — A start. (Part 2/4)

Meiers Opinion
Unique Experiences
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2020


© by Meiers Opinion (see end of article)

You have a low-paying job you don’t like — or none at all — , you’re struggling to pay for your living and you don’t see yourself ever getting out of this continuing and worsening cycle. One extra bill and you’re done. There are people around you who are worse off than you and who need your help. Right now, you cannot do what you wanted, but there will certainly be a time, when you can shine.

On top of it all is this feeling of having failed life and yourself creeping down your spine. Many have been at a place in life they never saw themselves ending up. Down low. Just not you, please.

Yet — you are where you are. You just need to somehow plow through this, in order to make it better. Everything will be fine in the end.

Well, no. Nothing will be fine. Why would continuing on the same path make a difference? You already know it does not work. Have you ever achieved something worthwile, while not doing anything towards it?

Here are five steps (divided into four snack-sized parts) to a mindset and some actions, that you can take to work on fulfilling your dreams right now. After each passage, there are important points or further remarks to be found.

2. Do what you really want to do right now

Remember when you were a little kid and the parents and kindergarden care-givers asked you, what you want to become?

Why would you not do this now, periodically?

Whatever it is you think you can do for others and make a difference — work on it immediately. If you do, in the long haul, you will be paid well for it without going out of your way to hunt promotions constantly. You are sure to be happy doing it, too.

There is no harm in trying out new things. There is only harm in constantly thinking about it, idealizing it and in consequence also not evolving with your current situation financially or otherwise. Instead, this will result in a feeling of stupor and helplessness.

You don’t have to make a complete career-overhaul on every midnights’ whim. You can.

A periodical review though, if you are doing what you really want to do for the money you want — that is a good place to start.

You might just try out painting on the side. Eventually, you might even give it a semester at an academy. In the end, you might rent your own gallery and still have another job. You will see.

Whatever your idea of a well paying job is — if you don’t set an own goal both activity-wise and financially, why would you believe to ever reach anything else than what you did up to now?

If you assume, not to be able to go above a certain arbitrarily set line — be it by yourself, by your parents, your spouse, your teacher in third grade — how can you ever cross that line?

Basics and further points

  • Make your own experiences and don’t just rely on others and their judgements. Everyone is biased with their own life and experiences. Sometimes, others even try to purposefully manipulate you.
  • Why would an employer want to hand out more, than they need? It’s a business after all. If you really like your job at your current firm and cannot see yourself doing anything else, you don’t have to quit it. If you’re in a bad fix, you have to do something soon though. Talk to your employer to move up the ranks and finally get promotions and a (significantly) better salary. Nobody is going to move you up, if you don’t ask for it. If that does not work — for every firm, there is at least one competitor, equally well stashed. Of course nobody in your firm would ever admit that. Set a firm deadline for this approach and communicate it, if your employer fails to adress your concerns seriously or at all.
  • If they still struggle with paying you what you deserve and want or giving you very clear steps to achieve that within a forseeable time-frame, you should really look for something else.

How did my article make you feel? I would be happy to hear your thoughts.

All my work represents my own opinion. I’m not a licensed therapist, nor a medical doctor, nor in any other way qualified to give medical or any other certified advice. If you have issues relating to your health, contact your medical authorities immediately. If you have legal problems, find a lawyer. I am not responsible for your actions. However, I am very pleased, if I could enhance your life.

I retain all copyrights to my work (any and all; especially words, drawings, or otherwise). By publishing it, I grant no right nor license to copy, reproduce or otherwise use my work in any context without my prior written consent.



Meiers Opinion
Unique Experiences

Hi! I’m the pseudonym Meier and I write about various things in various styles. Some of them earnest, others touching and some might be angry and sarcastic.